Ask Dr Google or Not How to Use Dr. Google and Google Health

If you are one of those who don’t wish to see your doctor too often and prefer to self-medicate yourself and get cured, then there is something interesting in store for you. It is Dr. Google who can help you out. Dr. Google is an internet tool or technology that will let you know about the diagnoses once you provide information about your problems. Dr. Google is all about Googling your symptoms and making diagnoses. That means all you need to do is just enter your symptoms and it will identify your medical condition and advice you accordingly.

It performs the task of a general practitioner or GP. As a source of health-related information online, it helps you to fix your health issues without visiting a doctor. Besides helping patients, it allows doctors to find out extra information related to a particular medical condition, unusual symptoms, and drug interactions. It has been observed that Dr. Google is increasingly becoming popular with patients. For instance, studies have shown that 35% of adults in U.S. Check with Google to know about medical conditions either in themselves or their near and dear ones.

About Google Health

However, some of you may confuse Dr. Google with Google health, but it is completely different. The main function of Google health is to store medical records online so that the health information of the user can be accessed and managed easily. The records would include health conditions, diagnostics, drugs, procedures, and allergies. Google health is basically a PHR (personal health record) service provider. Users have the option to share their medical records with others provided they have a Google account.

It can also be linked to various kinds of personal health services, for instance, importing lab test results directly and personalized comparison of medicines based on data provided by Google health. With the user’s permission, the personal health services can also update the user’s health profile in Google health. Besides recording users’ health data, it aims to connect hospitals, pharmacies, and physicians by consolidating all health records into one single Google health profile.

Why do people start searching Dr Google?

One of the most obvious reasons why people start searching Dr. Google is when they are not satisfied with their general practitioner (GP) which means when the general practitioner is not serious about their symptoms and is unable to provide any clear diagnosis. It is when people refer to Dr. Google in search of a proper answer. Sometimes there are situations when people feel embarrassed discussing their symptoms with the general practitioner and they search Dr. Google instead of visiting their general practitioner. This is another common reason for consulting Dr. Google. In addition, people in today’s digital world access Google whenever they need any kind of information and to improve their knowledge.

Does Dr. Google really exist?

Now a question may pop up in your mind that does Dr. Google really exist? Well, the answer is Dr. Google doesn’t exist in the real world or it has no real identity, rather it plays the role of a doctor in the virtual world.


Dr. Google Now the Next superman to fix your health issues whenever you want. Just Ask Dr. Google About the Symptoms and problems you feeling, You will get instant answers and solutions. Do you ever try searching for Your health Symptoms on Google? Did you find the right answer or a solution? If your answer is yes, then you are among those patients category those nowadays never love to go doctor frequently and seek advice for their health issues.


Briefly Discuss the Reason Behind Using Dr. Google and Its Impact on Mankind:

In this current pandemic situation due to the COVID-19, the internet has become a priceless tool for us. We are removing contact with the outer world and slowly drowning ourselves in the digital world in our small socially distanced islands. The world’s biggest experts are trying to find a cure for this pandemic and keep us alive by learning about the current global threat. People are willing to stay up to date about their health, and the developing world of healthcare and medicine.  People are using online methods to stay in touch with doctors because of social distancing and quarantine. They are using different online platforms like video calling or chatting to keep personal contact with doctors which made a huge impact on our personal lives as well.

Strangers around the world are trying hard to help the people in need. This COVID-19 pandemic has tumbledown our whole healthcare system. People are haunting helplessly for oxygen, hospital beds, and important medicines. People are seeking help from digital networks for these needs. However, there is a flip side to this digital ground too. People often found information on the internet which are misleading and false. Generally, the internet contains different untested remedies for different diseases which can misguide people from the actual problem. Instant and easy access to different healthcare information found on the internet can provide good benefits to mankind. But, it equally gives high panic and motivates self-diagnosis and self-medication which can be worse in maximum cases.

Internet is a rabbit hole that does nothing but produces stress about health matters. One can easily mistake information which can be worsening with time. One has to keep finding layers of information until he or she found the actual or proper one. The Internet can easily turn your headache into a potential stroke or your indigestion into a heart attack. Even, it can turn your not-so-serious symptom into a symptom of cancer. Internet is like a solo biggest channel for mass hypochondria. People end up chasing wrong here. But, the problem is not only limited to the users. The main problem is lying under the presented online healthcare information which can mislead anyone. For example, if you try to search for normal symptoms such as a swollen neck, the first thing your search engine will show is ‘Malignant Lymph Node Neoplasm’. Apart from this, your search engine can show up most terrifying results to you. Internet always gives you possible conditions without informing you about what is common and what is rare. You might be confused and terrified due to the results shown by your search engine.

It is quite interesting that maximum popular healthcare sites show similar results. It makes us wonder if it’s a bug or any similar feature. One might think he or she has a serious illness with the showed result while it’s just the normal flu. On the other hand, when people need to go to the hospital and do a proper check-up then their search engine can show that they do not need any doctor’s help and their sickness can be cured with some easy home remedies. There is one more consequence; people can do some expensive and unnecessary tests in the influence of those misguided results.

Google is flooded with different kinds of information which can be problematic and not sufficient. Even, in this pandemic situation, there is some misleading information about the coronavirus and its treatment roaming around the internet. People are so confused that they do not have any idea about what should they do and whatnot. This kind of situation is increasing panic among people. As same as that, Dr. Google can also mislead us by showing some inappropriate results when we search about some symptoms. We still do not know much about the virus but Google or any other search engine can easily give you some misleading information on it.

However, Dr. Google is also a useful platform for people who are finding any kind of information about a specific medicine, hospital, or specialized doctor. If you are searching for a specific medicine and its side effects and all other information then Dr. Google can surely help you with that. You just need to put the right search words and here you go. Yes, Dr. Google and other healthcare sites have some issues with accuracy but you can trust it 50%. You just need to have some common sense and limit your information and only follow the useful information.

Who Need to Keep Distance from Dr. Google?

Weak-hearted- because they might get terrified with the results after searching their symptoms on the internet.

Hypochondriacs- because they will search for some unrelated things.

Pessimists – Because they will always see negative in everything.

How to Use Dr. Google?

  • Search as much as possible and do not stop your search in the first few pages.
  • Bookmark your search links because you might need them afterward.
  • Treat information as knowledge until or unless you are a medical professional.
  • Most importantly try to read all the reviews before following an article or journal blindly.
  • Always seek help from professionals and do not trust everything your search engine shows to you.
  • Do not ever think of it as a tool for diagnosis. Always trust experts for it.
  • If you find any information inappropriate you should report it right there.

Is Doctor Google Wrong Always? How often does Doctor Google go wrong for symptom diagnosis results?

Most people use Dr. Google for self-diagnosing their health symptoms and search medical advice online. However, according to the ECU (Edith Cowan University), online symptom checkers are most likely to produce accurate results on 3rd time (Based on the Medical Journal of Australia). The research was based on 36 International web and mobile-based symptom checkers. The outcomes of the study show that the checkers produced 36% right results of the time. It also showed that the top three results were 52% right of the time. It is evaluated that the total amount of searches in Google related to health is 70,000/ minute. People should pause for a second thought about this study. Masters student at ECU Michelle Hill stated that these symptom checkers might seem so tempting to use but most of the time they are either unreliable or dangerous.  Online symptom checkers generally ask people to record their symptoms previously to offer probable diagnoses. This study shows that people should not rely on online symptom checkers because they are mostly misleading. People need to consult a doctor and seek expert advice before concluding something.

How Accurate is Dr. Google Suggestion?

First of all, you cannot just trust Dr. Google easily because there is only a 30 percent chance where his results can be appropriate. However, still you can seek help from Dr. Google for small or minor purposes. But, it is strongly recommended to not go with any wrong idea. First, consult with an expert and take proper guidance. After that only, you are can conclude something about your illness. Dr. Google is something you can use to get information about a specific illness and its symptoms or you can study some different medical terms or conditions. But, when it comes to checking symptoms you should not go with it. It is the platform where you can gain knowledge on medical aspects but one should not follow those outcomes blindly. You have to use your common sense and consult a doctor before doing random expensive and unnecessary tests after finding random results on symptom checkers.

Is there Any Dr. Google Website?

There is no specific Dr. Google Website. But, there are sites like Google Fit and Google Health that can help you with the same features. Apart from that, there are several healthcare websites and apps which can help you to stay fit and healthy by giving proper guidance and assistance. Even, there are such apps that give you proper exercise guidance. Apps like MFine, MediBuddy, Apollo 24/7NHS COVID-19, Patient Access, CovidCert NI, Babylon Health, and Push Doctor can help you to get online appropriate doctor consultation without leaving your home in this pandemic situation. These are all highly rated and well-reviewed apps.

What is Google Health?

Google launched a branch named Google Health in the year of 2006. It is a personal health record service designed to generate a storeroom for different health-related data and records. It connects hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies directly. The project was started in 2008 and discontinued in 2012. However, in 2018 it started again as the latest division but after that, it was modernized back into Google 2021.  Dr. David Feinberg was appointed as a leading director of Google Health in November 2018. The company has announced that they need extra searchable healthcare records for enhancing the quality of clinical results across YouTube and Google. In addition, Google health also targets clinical tools, health-related AI research, and partnerships for other health-focused services and tools.

How Google Health Works?

Google Health aims to support people to live life a little more every day through their services and products. It helps people to connect and gain health knowledge. Google Health developing technology solutions to deliver faster and better care so the user feels more connected. They are working on features and products to encourage people to live healthier lives with the help of proper assistance, information, and connections. Google Health is using artificial intelligence to provide proper assistance in treating cancer, forecasting outcomes for the patient, preventing sightlessness and so more. The principle aim behind the idea of Google Health is to organize the world’s health-related information and make it globally useful and accessible.


Can You Self-Diagnosis With Dr. Google?

You have to keep in mind that dangerous and worst self-diagnosis in the influence of Dr. Google cannot replace the experience and knowledge of a skilled doctor. Our body has a complex system especially in the case of organs and abdominal area. So, Google can never be so accurate with your symptoms as a professional can be. It should be some minor internal problem that causes you abdominal pain but Google can present it as cancer. That is why a doctor’s consultation is much more important in any situation because they are trained, professional, and have years of experience. Google can never compare with the training and experience of professionals. Experts give you proper guidance but Dr. Google can only confuse you with irrelevant search results.

What is Google Fit?

Google creates Google Fit to cope up with the market competition with Apple’s Health App. It uses the sensor of your electronic device to keep tracking your daily fitness goals, walking, heart rate, and weight loss progress. You can use it while biking, running, or walking. It keeps all the records of your fitness. Even, it also comes preloaded on android watches or can be accessed from the website f Google. It is available in a total of 34 languages. It was released on 28th October 2014. It is also available on Wear OS, iOS, and Android platforms.

Is Google Fit Good?

Google Fit is a kickstart for anyone willing to get fit. It gives you a powerful fitness application. It is clean, simple, and compatible with several different health and fitness apps. In addition, it can also measure heart rate and pulse rate in truly understandable metrics. So, it is undoubtedly can a solid start to your fitness goal.

How Google Fit Works?

  • First, download and install the Google Fit app on your mobile.
  • Then tap on ‘Track Workout’
  • Then you can select the tap down arrow when you are ready to start your activity.
  • Press n ‘Start Workout’ when you are running, biking, or normal walking while carrying your mobile or smartwatch in your pocket.
  • Tracking will be more perfect if the device is in a bag pack or mounted.





Some relevant Search regarding Dr Google peoples is searching on Google

Frequently Ask Questions About Dr Google

What is Dr Google?
How Dr Google Works?
Is Doctor Google An App or What?
Is Doctor Google Wrong Always? How often does Doctor google Wrong for symptom diagnosis result?
Is There real Dr Google Exist?
How Accurate Dr Google Suggestion?

How The Check-Up Conversations with Google Health Works?

Is there Any Dr Google Website?

What is Doctor Strange Google Drive?

Can You Self-Diagnosis With Dr. Google?

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Ask Dr Google
Dr Google Symptom Search
Dr Google Diagnosis
Doctor Google Website
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Dr Google Australia
Dr Google Symptoms
Dr Google Drive
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Dr Google Anxiety
My Google Dr
Doctor Google Symptom Checker
Google Doctor Free
Do Doctors Google Symptoms
Doctor Ok Google
Dr Google Will See You Now
Dr Google Is Bad
Ask Doctor Google
How to Use Dr Google

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DR Google Search

Dr Google App

How to use dr Google App

Ask Dr Google

Google Fit – How to Download and Use Google Fit Devices such as band, watch, pedometer etc

Google AI in Healthcare
Google health Website – How to register, login and use
Google Digital Health

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