Top 10 Best Gastroenterologist in Kolkata-India

Top 10 Best Gastroenterologist in Kolkata – Online Appointment Contact Number, Fees, Reviews

Health is an invaluable resource of human life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent several diseases or other sicknesses. If there is any weakness around abdominal pain, constipation, stomach disturbances, swallowing, diarrhea, unwanted weight loss, bleeding in the esophagus, the liver problem it might be symptoms of gastroenterology problem. What are functional gastrointestinal diseases, and […]

Top 10 Best Hospitals in Bangladesh

Top 10 Best Hospitals In Bangladesh | জেনে নিন বাংলাদেশের সেরা ১০টি হাসপাতাল কারা?

Bangladesh, one of the top 37 countries in the world, ranks 140th worldwide in terms of healthcare facilities and wellness. Even though its performance in this sector is not that promising yet, the country is continuously trying to excel in it by setting up private and Government Hospitals in Bangladesh. There has been a massive […]

Top 10 Best Hospitals in India

Top 10 Best Hospitals in INDIA

India is the second-largest populous country in the whole world. Therefore, giving good quality medical treatment becomes a tough task in the present situation. India is making outstanding progress in the medical sector by procuring the latest equipment, adopting new technologies, constructing world-class super speciality hospitals, improving and updating the existing hospitals. India has the […]

Top 10 Largest Hospitals in Canada

Canada is one of the top countries in The World having the best Healthcare Facilities, Infrastructure and Hospitals. There were over 1100 hospitals in Canada as per the statistics of 2019 – both profit and non-profit.  Among all Hospitals, We have listed here the top 10 best hospitals in Canada based on patients reviews, infrastructure, […]

जिगर की बीमारी के कारण, लक्षण, उपचार विवरण

मानव शरीर में बहुत सारे पार्ट होते हैं लेकिन हमारे शरीर में लीवर दूसरा इंपॉर्टेंट पार्ट होता है यह पेट की राइट तरफ होता है। लीवर का काम यह है कि वह हमारे खाए हुए भोजन को पाचन क्रिया में बदलने में मदद करता है साथ ही भोजन के ऐसे पदार्थ जो हम पचा नहीं […]

List of Approved RT-PCR Laboratory in Bangladesh for International Passengers

For International Travelers both Patient and Tourist, This List of Government Approved RT-PCR Laboratory. Recommended Govt.RT–PCR Laboratory for Bamgaldeshi international passengers. RT-PCR Test report is now mandatory for all International Passenger Flight Operations To/From Bangladesh. This kind of Travel Restriction is due to COVID–19 Pandemic for the passengers of the flight’s safety. List of Approved RT-PCR […]