How to Stop Sleep Apnea

How to Stop Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a renowned problem nowadays. Sleep apnea is a dangerous problem. It can harm the whole life system of a person. Many people are affected by this sleep apnea. They are not that much harmful. It can be curable. Many people think that it is not curable but it is. An ENT specialist [...]
How to Stop Snoring Immediately

How to Stop Snoring Immediatly

Snoring is a fetal problem, but we don’t understand how. Many people do not think it is a problem it is normal for them. They also laugh about it. But they must know the consequences. But most of them don’t know anything about snoring. Snoring is not only a physical problem but it can lead [...]
Top 10 ENT Doctors in Kolkata

Top 10 ENT Doctors in Kolkata

ENT is a very well-known term. ENT stands for Ear, Nose, and Throat. There are many people who think that the problems which occur in ENT will cure soon, but it is not the case. If you don’t treat it well it can be severe. Today I will inform you about the top 10 ENT [...]
The highest-paid doctor in the world

Top 10 Highest Paid Doctors in the World

Lets explore top 10 highest paid doctors in the world who earn BIG with their fees, visiting hours, .clinics, specialities and many more related informations. Dr. Tomir, " a person qualified to treat patients." In short, a person with a medical degree and a person who has been trained and licensed to treat the sick [...]
ভুঁড়ি কমাতে ‘ভ্রমণ প্ৰাণায়াম’ Lose Belly Fat without Exercise

ভুঁড়ি কমাতে ‘ভ্রমণ প্ৰাণায়াম’ | Lose Belly Fat without Exercise

হাঁটাহাঁটিই হল সবচাইতে পুরনো এক্সারসাইজ। আগেকার দিনে তো গাড়িঘোড়া ছিল না। মানুষকে পায়ে হেঁটেই গ্রাম থেকে গ্রামান্তরে যেতে হতো। এই চরম শারীরিক পরিশ্রমের ফলে তাঁদের হার্ট থাকত সুস্থ! আলাদা করে কোনও ওষুধের প্রয়োজন হতো না। শরীরে মেদ জমার অবকাশ থাকত না। রাতে ঘুম হতো নিশ্ছিদ্র! আগেকার দিনে প্রবাদ ছিল— চলনে বলে মরণের খবর! অর্থাৎ কারও […]