Top 10 Oncologists in India
In India, there are 1.8 million people who are suffering from cancer. For every one cancer patient, there are only 2000 cancer doctors or oncologists in India. Given cancer is an extremely dire disease, it is of great importance that it is diagnosed and treated at the earliest. So, choosing the right doctor for your […]
Pathophysiology Of Total Knee Replacement Surgery
What is the pathophysiology of total knee replacement surgery?? Here I will give you a brief idea, that makes you understand the process clearly. So keep reading this article. It will be highly informative. People after a certain age suffer from severe arthritis, or osteoarthritis, gout, or knee joint pain. Sometimes doctors prescribe them to […]
আপনি স্ট্রোকে আক্রান্ত হতে যাচ্ছেন না তো? বিপদ এড়াতে জেনে নিন স্ট্রোকের লক্ষণগুলো এবং তা নিরাময়ের উপায়!
শরীরে বয়স বাড়ার সাথে সাথে নানান রোগ জমা হতে থাকে। তার মধ্যে অন্যতম ক্ষতিকারক হলো এই স্ট্রোক। কখন যে এটি এসে হানা দেবে শরীরে তা কেউ বলতে পারে না। তবে এর লক্ষন এবং একই আটকানোর উপায় আগে থেকে জানা থাকলে সাবধান হওয়া অবশ্যই যায়। আমাদের কিছু গাফিলতি এবং অনিয়মিত জীবন নির্ধারণের জন্যও স্ট্রোক হতে পারে। […]
How does Orthopedic Sports Medicine help in Sports Related Injuries?
Sports are a healthy, fun pastime and captivating form of entertainment, helping people to greater fitness. Also, helps people come together in pursuit of a common goal. But often require rigorous training, intense exercise, heightened flexibility, bodily strain, athletic activities carry the risk for injury and hence the need for orthopedic sports medicine. Orthopedic sports […]
How to Recover after Joint Replacement Surgery
How I get recovery after joining replacement surgery?? This question is asked by several patients. If the doctor prescribed you for joint replacement surgery, then this question is important for you too. You may think about the recovery time, the pain after surgery. When I can return to my normal life? Sometimes you get tensed […]
Which Companies lead the South Africa Medical Tourism Market?
South Africa is the market leader on the African continent for medical tourism. Also, it is well renowned throughout the world for the quality of its medical services. It is a major player in the field of medical research. Tourists from all over Africa, Europe, the USA, and other parts of the world come to […]
Medical Tourism Companies in UAE
The market of the UAE is the next biggest in the Arab World after Saudi Arabia. They mainly focus on oil exports and commerce. Tourism is now one of the main sources of revenue in the UAE. How? With not only some of the world’s most luxurious hotels there but also huge airports with state […]
How India’s luxury hospitals spur Health Tourism?
Tourism in India is no more imagined to just arrange trips to the settlements in the countryside. The tour guides revealing to the travelers, about the monuments, wonders, and forts, gates, markets. Also, other notable yet incomparable to India sort of places. Actually, a new chapter has opened in tourism and that is called Medical […]
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women
Hormone replacement therapy for women (HRT) is a treatment used to relieve symptoms of the menopause. It replaces hormones that are at a lower level as you approach menopause. What should women who require hormone replacement therapy do? You can normally begin as soon as you start experiencing menopausal symptoms and won’t usually need to […]
Which is the best Ayurvedic medicine for Arthritis?
Arthritis is an autoimmune condition that provokes chronic inflammation of the bones. It can also induce swelling of the tissue around the joints, as well as in other organs in the body. Autoimmune diseases are sicknesses that happen when the body’s tissues are wrongly struck by their own immune system. Hence, patients with autoimmune diseases […]