Certificate Course in Hospital Waste Management

Certificate Course In Hospital Waste Management is a by-product of healthcare that will teach the candidates the management of medical waste that includes sharps, non-sharps, blood, body parts, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and radioactive materials.

Our programme creates awareness about Hospital Waste Management practices. Candidates are provided an opportunity to learn about technologies in Hospital waste management.

Course Fees:

INR 15,000

Course Duration:

3 Months

For Admission Enquiry Call or WhatsApp

(+91) 98-30-36-36-22

(+91) 94-33-36-50-39

Hospital Waste Management: What is it about?

The main bottleneck to sound Hospital Waste Management programme is absence of training and proper skills, inadequate resource allocation and lack of sufficient equipment. Hence, the need to educate various health care professionals/workers, NGOs and other stakeholders was recognised as a priority.

The certificate programme has been developed in line with the Bio-Medical Waste Management (BMWM) rules 2016 of Government of India and safe management of waste from health-care activities, WHO 2014. The purpose of the programme is:

1.To build basic knowledge and skills in Hospital Waste Management and

2.Equip the learners to manage it effectively and safely and

3.Safeguard the community against the unfavourable health impact of hospital waste.

Hospital Waste Management: Admission Process

The candidates who are interested can fill up the form Online/ Offline for Admission.

Hospital Waste Management: Syllabus and Course Description

A month-wise breakup of the course’s syllabus is tabulated here.

1st Month 2nd Month3rd Month
Introduction To EnvironmentImpact Of Hospital Waste On Our EnvironmentCapacity Building, Training, and Monitoring
Environmental PollutantsImpact Of Hospital Waste On Human HealthSystem Options
Interrelationship of Environment & HealthManagerial and Administrative AspectsTreatment and Disposal of Hospital Waste Burn Technology
Waste ManagementIntegrated Infection Control ManagementTreatment and Disposal of Hospital Waste Non- Burn Technologies
Definitions , Types and Catagories Of WasteDisinfection & TransportationOccupation and Patient Safety
Principles Of Hospital Waste Management

Hospital Waste Management: Who Should Opt?

Candidates wanting to apply for Certificate Course in Hospital Waste Management must have 10+2 or equivalent in any field such as Arts/ Science/ Commerce/ Medical/ Dental/ Pharmacy/ or any other professional courses from a recognized Indian university.

Skills Required

Time Management
Quick Decision

Hospital Waste Management: Career Prospects

After the completion of Certificate Course In Hospital Waste Management, you will get a challenging career in:


Waste Management Recycling Organizations and

Government Agencies .

Some common job profiles for the students who have completed Hospital Waste Management include:

1.Hospital Administrator,

2.Environment Regulator

3. Manager,



Top Companies Offering Jobs

Salary Scope

the salary for this post varies from 1,80,0000 to Rs2,10,0000 annually. At the senior level or with several years of experience, the package will further enhance toRs2,40,0000 toRs3,80,0000 annually. AWaste ManagementOfficer and Operations Manager could even earn more thanRs3,80,0000 annually.

Top Recruiting Areas & Top Job Profiles

The job designation for hospital waste management are as follows:

  1. Scientific assistant
  2. Officer- Bio medical waste and housekeeping
  3. waste handlers
  4. sales manager
  5. post graduate traniee
  6. staff nurse
  7. safety officers

Register Now for Certificate Course in Hospital Waste Management

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    Certificate Course in Hospital Waste Management: Student Queries

    Effective waste management is a challenge in our country. Knowledge on proper waste management rules is essential for meeting the problem completely. The message involved in waste management can be reached to the public at large by this course through the learners.

    • Obtain in-depth knowledge on Biomedical Waste Management and Infection Control, Difficulties in implementation and compliance and Strategies to overcome
    • Treatment facility, Get hands-on learning experience
    • Get a practical exposure through field visits to health care facility/biomedical
    • Take a chance to meet and communicate with Sector Experts / PCB officials
    • Gather technical know-how on BMW management technologies

    Course Content:

    • Biomedical Waste Storage & Handling – Intermediate and Final storage area
    • Sharps Management
    • Liquid Waste Management from the laboratories
    • Linen Management
    • Infection Control
    • Biomedical Waste Treatment Technologies

    Hospital wasteis “Anywaste which is produced in the diagnosis,treatmentor immunization of human beings or animals or in research” in ahospital. Hospital Waste Management means how to managewasteproduced byhospitals using such methods that will help to control the spread of diseases through.

    There are four major types of medical waste: Infectious, General, Radioactive and Hazardous

    The most significant reason for proper waste management is to protect the environment and for the health and safety of the population. Some types ofwaste can be dangerous and can pollute the environment.

    Waste Management basically includes all those activities, which are needed to manage wastefrom its beginning to the final disposal.Waste Management majorly includes things like the collection, transport, treatment and the final disposal of waste with a high level of monitoring and regulation.

    Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Health Managers, and other professional workers.

    You should first complete your 10+2 in science stream with preferable subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, English and Biology.

    There are enough opportunities available in the market for those, who wish to make their career in Hospital Waste Management. You can get jobs in govt/ private hospitals.