It is easy to get a powerful erection thanks to Fildena 100 sildenafil tablets, which include sildenafil citrate, which is also used to cure male impotence and treat erectile dysfunction. Men between the ages of 18 and 65 who have erectile dysfunction may be treated with it. Fildena helps ED sufferers attain and maintain a solid erection during sexual activity by increasing blood flow to the penis. Male sexual dysfunction, often known as erectile dysfunction, is treated with this Fildena. This drug works for three to four hours after consumption. You should take the pills at least 15 to 30 minutes before engaging in sexual activity. individuals who have discomfort during the erection, which lasts for around three to four hours.
a someone who uses nitroglycerin or other nitrates to treat their hypertension. You shouldn’t provide this medication to minors for their safety. The maximum recommended dose of Fildena is 100 mg per tablet, but actual dosage has to be determined by the patient’s age, medical history, physical and mental health, and other factors. Wait 24 hours before taking another medication if you miss one so you may consult your doctor or an expert on ED.