Diseases that interact with sleep-wake cycles include narcolepsy. The brain’s inability to effectively regulate alertness and sleep results in its main symptom, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS).
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep happens in the final stage of normal sleep, and often happens an hour or more after falling asleep. REM sleep is erratic and often starts shortly after falling asleep in narcolepsy, which is much earlier than usual.
People who take n experience rapid REM because of brain abnormalities that interfere with the normal sleep-wake cycle. Along with other narcolepsy symptoms, these issues also contribute to daytime sleepiness.
Although there is some overlap in symptoms between children and adults with narcolepsy, there are also significant differences.
EDS is more likely to appear in children as restlessness or irritability, which could be mistaken for a behavioral issue. Children with narcolepsy may sleep more at night.
Information from the National Library of Medicine, a reliable source
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and move around more vigorously while sleeping
Information from the National Library of Medicine, a reliable source
The National Center for Biotechnology Information facilitates access to biomedical and genomic data, advancing science and health.
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Cataplexy affects children more subtly than adults in up to 80% of instances.
Information from the National Library of Medicine, a reliable source
The National Center for Biotechnology Information facilitates access to biomedical and genomic data, advancing science and health.
View the source. It is frequently associated with the face rather than the body and can be misinterpreted for a facial tic. Children’s cataplexy may not always be caused by an emotional reaction. Children’s cataplexy symptoms eventually take on their more conventional appearance.
Waklert 50 Mg and Artvigil 150 Mg can help in this case.