Please assist me in locating a list of Tata Medical Centre Kolkata Doctors, including addresses, pin codes, and social media profiles (assuming any). Also, please share any information you know about their operating costs or other fees with me because it would be really helpful.
It would be nice to say which department you want to find a doctor in from Tata Medical Center. I will suggest you click on the official website at Tata Medical Center where you will find out which doctors are sitting in which department. The link is given here I hope you will benefit.
Tata Medical Center Website:
Tata Medical Center Contact Number: 033 6605 7000
Kolkata’s Tata Medical Center Newtown, Kolkata, state 700160, address: 14, MAR(E-W), DH Block(Newtown), Action space I, Newtown, Kolkata, state 700160
If you are looking for a Medical Tourism Agency, MADRE Healthcare is the place to go. They provide a variety of medical support services. Visit their website at for more information.
And if you’re having digestive issues and need to find a good gastroenterologist in Kolkata, go to
(Also see for a list of pediatric gastroenterologists in Kolkata.)