Hip Transplants

Right from the time you wake up till the time you finally call it a day and go to bed, your hip is always in action. From maintaining your posture to help you keep your balance when you walk, your hip is the core of your daily activities. When there is a certain amount of damage caused to the hip due to various reasons, all your activities are hampered thus the quality of your life and activities gets massively affected. But with time and advances hip transplant is a lifesaving technique or procedure than has been discovered.

What are hip transplants all about?

A hip transplant is a common type of surgery where a damaged hip joint is replaced with an artificial one (known as a prosthesis).

When does one require a hip transplant?

Hip transplant surgery is ordinarily essential when the hip joint is impaired or disabled to the degree that your movement is reduced and you endure pain even while relaxing. The most common reason for hip transplant surgery is osteoarthritis. Other ailments that can induce hip joint damage cover:

Who requires hip transplants?

A hip transplant is a major surgery, so is normally only recommended if other treatments, such as physiotherapy or steroid injections, haven’t helped reduce pain or improve mobility. You may be offered hip transplant surgery if:

  • you have sharp pain, inflammation and stiffness in your hip joint and your movement is decreased
  • your hip pain is so sharp that it hinders your quality of life and rest
  • everyday tasks, such as shopping or
  • getting out of the bath, are difficult.
  • you’re feeling pessimistic because of the discomfort and lack of movement
  • you can’t operate or even have a regular social life
  • You’ll also need to be well enough to cope with both a major operation and the rehabilitation afterward.

Whom to approach for hip transplants?

Choose a specialist who performs hip transplants regularly and can discuss their results with you. This is even more important if you’re having a second or subsequent hip transplant (revision surgery), which is more difficult to perform. Your local hospital trust website will show which specialists in your area do a hip transplant. Your General Practitioner may also have a recommendation, or arrange for you to follow an enhanced recovery program.

Problems you might face after hip transplant?

  • hip dislocation
  • infection at the site of the surgery
  • injuries to the blood vessels or nerves
  • a fracture
  • differences in leg length

However, the risk of serious complications is low – estimated to be less than 1 in 100. There’s additionally the risk that an artificial hip joint can wear out quicker than anticipated or the surgery could go incorrect in some way. Some people may need to review surgery to fix or substitute the joint.

In hip transplant surgery most commonly used implants are METAL ON METAL implants.

What are metal-on-metal implants?

As the name implies, metal-on-metal implants feature a joint made of two metal surfaces: a metal “ball” that replaces the ball found at the top of the thigh bone (femur)a metal “cup” whichacts like the socket located in the pelvis.

hip transplants
Metal on Metal Hip Transplants

If you have already undergone a hip transplant, What should you be aware of?

Apart from problems in your movements any changes in general health should be reported to your doctor who has conducted the surgery, commonly:-

  • chest pain or shortness of breath
  • numbness or weakness
  • changes in vision or hearing
  • fatigue
  • feeling cold
  • weight gain

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