Threapy of hip replacement surgery

Are you eager to speed up your healing process after hip replacement surgery??

If yes, then you are at right place

After hip replacement surgery, you can get a better life, but you have to maintain a good recovery process following the surgery process. How to Continue Therapy at Home after a Hip Replacement, this is an important point.

You have to remember that the recovery process takes time. Doctors often recommend their patient for hip exercise therapy. Which increase the hip muscle strength, and boost up your flexibility. Thus increase the range of motion. Prevent blood coagulation.

Physiotherapy treatment used to play an important role, after any kind of surgery, A physiotherapy consultant will help you to do exercise, but you have to continue them at your home. There are different types of post replacement exercise are available. Do it routinely after expert consultation.

Follow exercise routine after hip replacement surgery

Yes, routinely exercise is important, to gain muscle flexibility and range of motion. Here I will tell you a few steps, that you have to maintain.

Few minutes walk to improve your hip muscle strength

At the time of the recovery period following replacement surgery, the regular walk is very much important. So you have to start walking after 10 days of surgery. The first time it may feel painful, but don’t give up. Start walking very slowly with the help of crutches or walker. Here I will advise you to start walking at your room,( One side to another side). Then gradually increase the length, and frequency of your walk.

When you get more comfortable with walking, then go outside for a short walk. But don’t take a risk, and use crutches or walker. And it is important to ask your doctor, before increasing the frequency of walking and exercise. The doctor may give you some limitation, depending upon your health condition and recovery process. Because pain is a different person to person after any kind of replacement surgery. And the doctor will suggest as per the health condition of the patient.

How to manage hip replacement surgery
Source: WikiHow

Try to do ankle pump to prevent blood clotting

Ankle pump is important to avoid blood clotting. So try to do ankle pumps minimum 10 times in an hour. Because it will increase blood flow through the leg and hip area. And interrupt blood clotting.

Lie down to your bed, and raise your foot up slowly, towards your head, points your toes up. Then slowly return to your normal posture. And repeat this exercise 10 times in an hour, to get the best result. As blood circulation is important to the wound area. It will speed up the recovery process.

Rotate your ankle in both directions

Try to rotate your ankle in both directions. At least 4-5 times. As it will increase the blood circulation process to your leg. You can perform this small step exercise, either lie down or sit comfortably. These types of exercise don’t require too many efforts, but they will give you the maximum benefits.

Try to do 10 buttock squeezes 4 times a day

Sufficient blood circulation in your hip and, buttock area is important. So try to do 10 buttock squeezes at least 4 times a day.

Try to hold your buttock muscle, and count 5 then release. Repeat this procedure ten times. It will strengthen your hip muscle. And do this four times a day.

You can also perform knee bending exercise 3-4 times a day. Your physiotherapist will guide you on how to do knee bending exercise, after hip replacement surgery. And continue it with 10 repetitions 3-4 times in a day.

Prepare your home more convenient, before surgery

Most of the patient forget about this process, but you should not ignore this. Make your home more convenient to use, after hip replacement surgery.

Make sure your home is ready for your recovery

After surgery, you will come back to your home, and home should be your comfort zone after the replacement procedure. So, make sure that your home is convenient to move and ready for your recovery.

Simply you or your family members should plan before surgery, ask a doctor “How to Continue Therapy at Home after a Hip Replacement “, as you don’t want to deal with uncomfortable things after a complicated surgery.

You may hire someone to assist you, because apart from physiotherapy and exercise, you need physical support to move, and perform your regular activities. At the time of rehabilitation, mental support also plays an important role. So try to stay with family members, and spend with them. It will give you positive vibes, and remove negative thoughts.

Put extra support

Yes, mechanical support is important. So, put extra support like rails, a slab in your room, so that you can move safely. After surgery, you are going to need some extra support, to move in your home and outside area. Thus you should install holding the rod in your toilet, shower, and bathroom. Because this area is risky for you. And you need extra support here.

Check handrails of all stairs are secure enough to give you enough support. If don’t have strong handrails, move with the help of crutches. After surgery, you have to move with extra care. As that time your newly implanted graft will be not so firm. And it demands more time to establish.

Secure your toilet with needful component

Washroom, the toilet is a critical place after surgery. So plan for it first. Secure your bathroom with raised toilet seat; shower chair, Extra holding support. As you need more precaution to avoid any risk.

If you raise your toilet seat, it will be easier to sit down on your toilet. A shower chair is important, so you can seat, instead of standing. As long term standing will give extra pressure to your hip muscle.

Other arrangements

Purchase a comfortable seat cushion, it will give you back support, makes you more comfortable during the recovery period.

Clear the clutters from your walking area. As after replacement surgery you need obstacle-free movement. To avoid unwanted things in your home.

Hope this article is helpful, Here our healthcare team guides you,”How to Continue Therapy at Home after a Hip Replacement “Now you can follow them, and understand what actually need at your recovery time. According to this, you can arrange your home, bathroom, and program your physiotherapy exercise.

Take care of your health, and visit our website for more health-related information.

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