How I get recovery after joining replacement surgery??
This question is asked by several patients. If the doctor prescribed you for joint replacement surgery, then this question is important for you too.
You may think about the recovery time, the pain after surgery. When I can return to my normal life?
Sometimes you get tensed by thinking about that. Yes, we can understand your mental approach. So, we come with a lot of tips for recovery after joint replacement surgery. Hope this will be helpful for you.
We have discussed the Cause of the joint pain and treatment, You can check
Read this article, As we will tell you about How to recover after joint replacement surgery.
How to recover after joint replacement surgery, some important guidance
Arrange some support system before surgery
Yes, this step is very important, and you have to arrange your support, and home before surgery. Major of the people miss the simple and important step. And after surgery, they struggle for help or support. Some people hesitated to ask for help because they don’t want to be a burden for their dear one. This is a very wrong decision.
You need physical and mental support after surgery, so don’t ever feel ashamed.
My main point is, during recovery you need help. In recovery time patient often face so many difficulties, feel emotionally down. That time people need mental support.
Recovery not only depends on the physical support but also need mental positivity. As positive affirmations create positive vibes. That ameliorates the healing process.
To speed up recovery, we suggest you join a community, where people also go through the joint replacement surgery. Because they can understand your pain and difficulties. They would give you some advice. And we all know peer advise is important in every phase of life.
Use pre Hub before surgery
Pre Hub means some activities and preparations before surgery. That may be some special activities, medications, lessons, or exercise. These Pre Hub step will reduce the risk and increase the possibilities of a smooth recovery.
Joint replacement Pre Hub includes
- Proper diet plan, that promotes healthy weight loss. As weight loss is important before surgery. Add some food that encourages your recovery process, maintains your blood sugar level. Reduce the cholesterol level in your body.
- Advise you to do some exercise, that would increase the flexibility of your joint muscle. Physiotherapy consultation is best to increase your muscle strength around the joint. It improves muscle flexibility and movement activity.
- Mental preparation before replacement surgery is important. You should decrease anxiety and stress. Pre Hub will teach you some breathing techniques to reduce mental stress and tension. And calm your mind.
- Pre Hub reduces the risk and gives you the best outcomes after surgery. It helps speed up the healing process.

You can observe some worse things during Recovery.
Yes, you may observe some worse things at the recovery period, but worry about them. You may get tensed, as these things are the first time for you, but calm down.
After surgery, this is difficult to identify the recovery symptoms after surgery, as you are not a doctor. So you often call your doctor. So we have discussed some worse sign of recovery that will make you understand the healing process.
Sometimes you can observe some abnormal sign at recovery period, that may includes
- Fever, body temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit,
- Shortness of breathing, and chest pain, weakness
- Bleeding from your wound (very rare), or discolored discharge from your operate area.
- Sharp pain in the surgical leg area
If you face this kind of symptoms, you should consult with your doctor, to prevent further complications.
Track your healing process
We all know recovery after any replacement surgery is not so easy. This word is very true. Although Pro-Hub, the mental healing process, and some physiotherapy techniques will increase the ease of recovery. But some difficulties always be there, and you have to face at your recovery period. Sometimes you may get frustrated with severe pain. It is obvious that you think you are not improving, and you get depressed.
In case of this condition, you have to focus on the larger picture, rather than day by day scenario.
You have to track the ability of movement after surgery and measure the flexibility. Tracking your healing process is really an important tool, as it keeps you motivated throughout the difficult period. You will get mental strength and positive affirmations that yes you are recovering day by day.
This is a good message come from within when you track the recovery process. And wipe out all negative thoughts.
You should measure a few points at the recovery period to ensure your progress, includes:
Capability of movement
If you are the patient of knee joint replacement surgery, then you have to measure the range of movement of the knee, in each 5 days interval.
Flexibility and ease of movement will tell you how much you are regaining your health. You can observe the healing process. Soreness, stiffness, and immobility reduce day by day. It is really a good sign for you.
Here you don’t have to wait for the physiotherapist; you can check your Range of Motion.
Walking test
You have to prepare for the walking test. The Walking test is important to ensure your progress. This test would reveal the functionality of your new joint.
In major cases, Physiotherapist recommends you walking test after 10 days of surgery. 6 minutes of the walking test is slandered after knee replacement surgery, to check your knee joint functionality.
Track your regular exercise
A pre-hub app will guide you how much exercise is important for you, after any kind of surgery. Through this app, you can also track your flexibility. You should enjoy your recovery process, celebrate your small victories.
So, here our Madre health care team have shared some tips and guidance, to recover after joint replacement surgery, follow them before and after surgery, along with the Pre-Hub tool. Hope these processes boost up your recovery.
Take care of your health, as well all know health is our precious wealth.