Medica Super Specialty Hospital, Kolkata
Medica Super Specialty Hospital is one of the most famous multi-specialty Hospitals in Kolkata. Medica Super Specialty Hospital provides world-class treatment and patients care to those patients who trust Medica Super Specialty Hospital as one of the Best Hospitals in Kolkata, as well as India. Medica Super Specialty Hospital provides 24*7 emergency and accident care with their 250+ expert doctors. Medica Super Specialty Hospital offers healthcare services moreover 130 countries all over the world by their expert treatments.
Medica Super Specialty Hospital has all modern types of equipment and provides diacritic patient care and all kind of pharmaceutical facilities. Medica Super Specialty Hospital receives about 3600 foreign patients per year, out of which 1000 bed hospital is provides 63 four-limbed special facilities. Medica Superspecialty Hospital Mukundapur also provides many precious medicines which are maybe not available in other hospitals.
All of the Doctors and medical & non-medical staff of Medica Superspecialty Hospital Mukundapurare talented as well as are experts in their own skills. The hospital provides all kinds of clinical treatment such as Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Heart Transplant, Kidney Transplant, ENTOrgan Transplant, Cardiac Transplant, Knee Transplant, Spine Transplant, Liver Transplant, Hip Replacement, Organ Transplant, Hair Transplant, Bone Marrow Transplant, etc.
Q: What are the Patients Visiting hours at Medica SuperSpeciality Hospital Mukundapur, Kolkata?
A: You can visit Medica Super Specialty Hospital Mukundapur, Kolkata for your multi-specialty treatment from 11 am to 4 pm.
Q: What are the Visiting hours of OPD Patients?
A:Usually Medica Super Specialty Hospital is open 24*7 but there is a fixed time for OPD patient’s visits and that is 4 pm to 7 pm. For that time the non-admitted patients are visited for OPD, maybe the time will vary for a particular department.
Q: How can I book an appointment at Medica Superspecialty Hospital Mukundapur?
A:For a multi-specialty treatment you can book your appointment in Medica Super Specialty Hospital Mukundapur, Kolkata and you can contact our expert to discuss the cost of particulars treatment. For booking your appointment in Medica Super Specialty Hospital you can Call or WhatsApp or IMO on +91 9830363622 and fill up the form on your right hand with your details. You can consult with our expert doctor by online consultancy at +91 9830363622.
Q: What is the Admission Process?
A:If the Doctor advises any patient for admission and the date is decided, the attendant of the patient needs to fulfill the TPA process before admission. For any emergency admission, you have to show the doctor’s advice.
Q: What is the Discharge Process?
A:At the time of discharge a patient discharge summary will be handed over to the patients or the relatives of the patients.
Q: What are the Modes of Payment available?
A: Patients can make payments through Cash, Debit cards, Cheques, Credit cards, and net banking.
Q: What is the Visiting Guideline For ICU?
A: The vising time of the ICU in Medica Superspecialty Hospital Mukundapur is 5:00 – 5:30. One person can go to see the patient in ICU within a particular time and need to wear a mask and sanitize for safety purposes.
Q: Does Medica Super Specialty Hospital provides International patients care?
A:Yes. Medica Super Specialty Hospital is famous for its international patient care all over the world. More than Lacs Bangladeshi Patients visit every year and take treatment from medical Superspeciality Hospitals Expert doctors and Surgeons team.
Question: How to Book Dr. Alok Roy at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
A: Dr. Alok Roy, managing Director and Chairman at Medica Superspecialty Hospital Mukundapur. You can book an Appointment with Dr. Alok Roy, You have to fill up our form with all the possible pieces of information.
Question: How to Book Dr. Dilip Kumar at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Nandini Biswas at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Kaushik Biswas at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Chandrima Dasgupta at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Kunal Sarkar at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Ashutosh Samal at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Subhankar Bhattacharya at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Mrinal Bandhu Das at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Question: How to Book Dr. Abhijit Aich Bhaumik at Medica Super Specialty Hospital
Q: Why should I choose Medica Superspecialty Hospital Mukundapur when it comes to medical treatment?
A: Medica Superspecialty Hospital Mukundapur is the famous Hospital in Kolkata which provides world-class treatment under one roof and is dedicated to the treatment of its patients as per international standards. Our executive, doctors, nurses, and other staff are always giving their best as possible for the patients. For more details, You can contact on-call or WhatsApp +91. 9830363622.
বাংলাদেশী পেশেন্ট বা রোগীরদের ডিজিজ’ বা ‘রোগ সম্পর্কে ও সঠিক চিকিৎসার সহায়তার জন্য প্রশ্নের উত্তর
প্রশ্ন: মেডিকা সুপারস্পেসালাইটি হাসপাতাল মুকুন্দপুর কলকাতাই কিভাবে ডাক্তার এপয়েন্টমেন্ট বুকিং করবেন?
মেডিকা সুপারস্পেসালাইটি হাসপাতাল মুকুন্দপুর কলকাতাতে যেকোনো ডাক্তার এপয়েন্টমেন্ট বুকিং করতে হলে আমাদের ফর্ম পূরণ করে দিতে হবে সঠিক ভাবে. আপনি পেশেন্ট এর নাম, মোবাইল নাম্বর, আপনার বাড়িরই ঠিকানা , পাসপোর্ট নম্বর, আপনার রোগের বিস্তারিত বিবরণ, আপনার কোনো ডাক্তার এর নাম জানা থাকলে বা আপনার নিজের কোনো ডাক্তার পছন্ধ থাকলে সেটাও আমাদের জানান . অবশ্যই পেশেন্ট এর ও তার সহকারী যিনি আসবেন উভয়ের পাসপোর্ট এর স্ক্যান কপি ওর মেডিকেল প্রেস্কিপশন আপলোড করবেন. যেকোনো সহায়তার জন্য আপনি হোয়াটস্যাপ বা ইমো করতে পারেন +৯১ ৯৪৩৩৩৬৫০৩৯ বা ৯৮৩০৩৬৩৬২২ এই নম্বর এ যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন. আমাদের বাংলাদেশী পেশেন্ট দের হেল্প করার জন্য টীম আপনাদের ভিসা ইনভিটেশন লেটার ( বিল ) পাওয়ার জন্য ও ডাক্তার এপয়েন্টমেন্ট দ্রুত পাওয়ার জন্য সাহায্য করবে .