Woodland Kolkata Hospital LogoWoodland Hospital is a Multi specialty Hospital in India. Woodland Hospital offers the best in health care to patients who have come to trust the hospital as one of India’s best. A 1000-bed facility offering superlative treatment in 63 specialties. Woodland Hospital attracts patients from 130 countries who seek our expertise in moving towards wellness. Woodland Hospital is one the most mother and child care hospital in Kolkata. Woodland Hospital is dedicated to their patients for special treatment with world class doctors and nurses.

  • Establishment: February, 1999
  • Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu
  • Specialisation: Multi speciality Hospital
  • MIOT Hospital OPD Timings: Monday – Sat 09:00 am – 07:00 pm
  • MIOT Hospital Address: 4/112, Mount Poonamalle High Rd, Sathya Nagar, Manapakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600089
  • Modes of Payment: Cash, Debit or Credit Card

Woodland Hospital Accreditation:

NABH Certified Hospital in IndiaNABL Certified Hospital in India

Our Online Booking Helpline also Available on the following FREE Apps. You can send us your passport scan copy and medical report for 100% Free Medical VISA invitation letter and Doctor Appointment.

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Center of Excellence:

Cardiology , General Surgery , Cancer Treatment, Liver Transplant, Kidney Transplant, orthopaedics, Neurology

Woodland Hospital, Amenities & Facilities

24hours Helpline Assistance. Pharmacy. Diet Counsellor Support Services cab support service

For International Patient Extra Care and Support

foreign language interpreter. accommodation and Hotel Support services. flight booking support services. visa assistance support

This famous hospital was first established in the year 1947 which began a tertiary care unit from which everybody got benefitted. Woodlands Hospital and India are of the same age. There was an aim that it would be one of the best healthcare unit of India. They provide world-class medical care. In the year 1947, a dream was established and dream has been fulfilled by providing the best services to the patients. It is a multi-speciality hospital. This hospital is very popular among national and international patients as well. Kolkata people as well as people from other states trust this medical brand name as they have the best list of doctors, best hospital authority and the best emergency room.

Basic information of about Woodlands

In the early part of forties, British companies realised the emergency of good medical care for their families. When the construction of woodland hospital started people were hopeful that a great medical facility was being introduced. This hospital was inaugurated by Dr B.C Roy whose birthday is celebrated every year on Doctor’s Day as he is one of the most eminent doctors of India. East India Clinic Ltd was renamed as Woodlands Hospital.

Woodlands Hospital was known as Woodlands Nursing Home in the earlier years. It is located at the Elgin Road in Kolkata. The name of East India Clinic Limited turned into woodlands hospital and medical research centre limited in 1994.

It’s been seventy years and they have served common men as well as big personalities like Mother Teresa, Oscar Winner Satyajit Ray, Mahanayak Uttam Kumar and also Triple Olympic hockey gold achiever Leslie Claudius.

Why go for Woodlands Hospital Kolkata ?

Woodlands Hospital Kolkata began it’s role as a secondary healthcare institution and afterwards because of it’s outstanding contributions towards the people, it received the best appreciation as well as the tag of the tertiary care hospital.

The mission of this hospital is to spread positivity in terms of health and medical care. The speciality of this hospital is known to have the best list of doctors and each department consists of the best doctors specialised in the particular field. The group of 550 medical practitioners and doctors at this hospital do their best to give the patients the best care and services and make sure they recover with ease. Woodland Hospital Kolkata has got a huge group of nurses too who are trained from big nursing schools.

Woodlands Hospital Kolkata is specialised in all the branches of medical care. The best services provided by this hospital are Heart Institute, bone as well as joint care, mother as well as childcare, kidney treatments, preventing infection, emergency room, immediate care, trauma care, rehabilitation as well as emergency department and other services.

The admission process is very easy, which is set by the hospital authority. The patient party should first approach the admission desk and complete the formalities which are related to admission.

There are numerous health packages provided for the national and international patients. These packages gets updated and modified frequently. Some of the packages which are affordable for people are as follows:

  • Cardiac checkups
  • Best Healthcare checkups
  • Diabetes check
  • Wellness of women and children

All the hospital departments are effective and consist of the best people who help in the speedy recovery of the patients. There are a lot of emergency rooms made just for several emergencies at the same time.

This hospital is known to provide with best services to the overseas patients and a lot of medical practitioners come from other countries. Some of the additional services which this hospital provides are critical care, immediate care, Diabetes care, Blood Bank, Laboratory.

Hospital Address: 8/5, Alipore Road, Near National Library, Kolkata – 700027, West Bengal, India.

Upper Limb – Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
Spine Surgery
Sports Medicine (Arthroscopy)
Emergency & Trauma Care
Congenital Deformity
Adult Thoracic & Cardiovascular Care
Adult Interventional Cardiology
Children’s Cardiac Care – Surgical
Children’s Cardiac Care – Interventional
Surgical Oncology
Medical Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Medical Gastroenterology
Surgical Gastroenterology
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
Laparoscopic, Upper GI & Bariatric surgery
Hematology and Haemato-Oncology
Neuro Surgery
Movement Disorder
General Paediatrics
General Surgery
ENT – Head & Neck & Skull-Based Surgery
Nuclear Medicine & PET CT
Cosmetic Surgery
Infectious Diseases
Radiology & Imaging Sciences
Critical Care
Intensive Care
Laboratory Services
Master Health Check-up
Nutrition & Weight-Loss Clinic
Neuro Stroke Emergency
Cardiac Emergency
General pediatrics
Plastic and Reconstructive surgery
Pulmonology and sleep medicine
Pediatric surgery
Craniofacial and aesthetic surgery
Neurology and neuroscience
Obstetrics and gynecology
ENT, Head & Neck, and skull base surgery
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Bone Marrow Transplant
Internal Medicine
Pediatric Surgery
Craniofacial & Aesthetic Surgery
Interventional Radiology
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Dental Surgery
Keyhole Surgery
Pinhole Surgery
Neurology & Neurosciences
Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine
Dermatology & Trichology
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Transfusion Medicine
ENTOrgan Transplant

Specialties at a Glance:

Woodland Hospital provides world-class treatment of Bone Marrow Transplant, ENTOrgan Transplant, Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement & Revision, Cardiac Transplants, Kidney Transplant, Spine Transplant, Liver Transplants, Hair Transplant, Organ Transplant, Heart Transplant within a pocket-friendly budget which you can provide easily. Woodland Hospital is one of the best among in the multi-specialty Hospital in Kolkata, provides 24*7 various kinds of organ Transplant and Surgery.

 Woodland Hospital appointment Booking Number:

(+91) 94-333-650-39 | 98-30-36-36-22

Our Online Booking Helpline also Available on the following FREE Apps. You can send us your passport scan copy and medical report for 100% Free Medical VISA invitation letter and Doctor Appointment.

Facilities During Stay

  • Private Room T.V. in Room Mobility Accessibility in rooms
  • Free Wifi Phone in Room Charging Facilities In rooms
  • Welcome Packages Safe in the Rooms Family Accommodation
  • Nursery Services Personal Attendants Laundry and Dry cleaning services
  • Beauty Salon Fitness care center Spa and Wellness Facility
  • Religions Facility Business Center Parking Space Available

Money Matters Facilities

  • Health Insurance Services Medical Travel Insurance Services
  • Foreign Currency Exchange ATM Facility Available
  • Credit Card Services Debit Card Services
  • Net-banking Services Medical Visa Services

FOOD Facilities

  • Requested Diet Doctor’s Prescribed Food
  • Self-Cooking International Multiple Cuisine
  • Restaurant Cafe

Treatment-related Facilities

  • Medical Records Transfer Online Doctor Consultation Service
  • Document Legalisation Post Treatment Follow up
  • Medicine & Pharmacy Rehabilitation

Transportation Facilities

  • Airport Pick-up Local Tourism Options
  • Visa / Travel Office Local Transportation Booking
  • Private Car Hire Limousine services

Language Facilities

  • Interpreter Translation Services

Facilities at A Glance

    • 24 hours of trauma & accident emergency care
    • 21 state-of-the-art operating theatres
    • Stringent global standards ICUs Facility
    • Various Valuable Treatment facilities
    • 24*7 blood bank and emergency medicine is on campus
    • 24 hours of Stroke and Heart care
    • Woodland Hospitalprovides a Digital Cath lab, 3T MRI scan, 750HD Scan, 3D Digital mammogram, medicine based on Nuclear, PET CT
    • 250 doctors and nurses are available for 24 hours.
    • All patients rooms are well-appointed
    • Having a big surface Woodland Hospital provide open green spaces & Constant flow of fresh air
    • All medical and non-medical coordinators are well-trained, helpful, and do their best as possible.


Dr. Suresh Choraria

Dr. AK Bardhan

Dr. Sunil Baran Ray

Dr. K.K. Sinha

Dr. Saroj mandal

Dr. Imran Ahmed

Dr. Achyut Sarkar

Dr. Soumik Ghosh

Internal Medicine

Dr.Biswajit Ghoshdastidar

Dr. Monimoy Ghosh

Dr. S.K. Sen

Dr. Arup Kumar Halder ( Chest )

Dr. Ankan Bandhapadhyay (Critical care Medicine )

Orthopaedics , Spine , & Joint Replacement

Dr. C.S . Dhar

Dr. Susmit Naskar (Spine)

Dr. Sudipta Ghosh


Dr. Kalyan Bose

Dr. Karambir Chakravartty

Dr. Anirban Chatterjee

General & Laparoscopic Surgery

Dr. Darius R Anklesaria

Dr. Vishnu Kumar Bhartia

Dr. Soumitra Chandra

Dr. Santanu Choudhuri

Dr. Sumit Chaudhuri

Dr. Sumantra Roy

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Anupam Golash

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr. Kusagradhi Ghosh

Dr. Sanjoy Sen

Dr. Soma Datta

Dr. Shashi Jindal

Dr. Jhuma Hazra


Dr. Kalyan Kumar Sarkar

Prof. Dr. Anjan Das

Dr. Prithwiraj Ghoshal

Dr. Sujit Kumar Sinha

Paediatric Surgery

Dr. Aneek roychowdhury


Dr. Sabyasachi Das

Dr. Santanu Ray

Dr. Pulak Kole

Neuro Surgery

Dr. G K Prusty


Dr. Deep Das


Prof. Dr. Jayanta Chakraborty

Dr. Semanti Chakraborty

Dr. Madhurima Vidyarthi


Prof. Dr. Santanu Banerjee

Dr. Dhiraj Ranjan Sarkar


Dr. Jayanta Basu

Dr. Lalit Kr. Agarwal
Dr. Dipankar Sarkar

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Request for Woodland hospital Online Appointment

Please Share Your details to process your Woodland Hospital India doctor appointment.

    Please Share Your Sex Type:MaleFemaleTransgenderSelect Departments:Share Doctor's Name if You Have Any Preference:Health Checkup or Diagnostics Requirements If any: Select Appointment Date:Select Preferred Time:
    Top Doctor in Woodland Hospital, Kolkata, India


    Woodland Hospital is one of the most famous multi-specialty Hospitals in Kolkata. Woodland Hospital provides world-class treatment and patients care to those patients who trust Woodland Hospital as one of the Best Hospitals in Kolkata, as well as India. Woodland Hospital provides 24*7 emergency and accident care as with their 250+ expert doctors. Woodland Hospital offers healthcare services moreover 130 countries all over the world by their expert treatments.

    Woodland Hospital has all modern types of equipment and provides diacritic patient care and all kind of pharmaceutical facilities. Woodland Hospital receives about 3600 foreign patients per year, out of which 1000 bed hospital is provides 63 four-limbed special facilities. Woodland Hospital also provides many precious medicines which are many be not available in other hospitals.

    All of the Doctors and medical & non-medical staff of Woodland Hospital are talented as well as they are experts in their own skill. The hospital provides all kind of clinical treatment such as Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Heart Transplant, Kidney Transplant, ENTOrgan Transplant, Cardiac Transplant, Knee Transplant, Spine Transplant, Liver Transplant, Hip Replacement, Organ Transplant, Hair Transplant, Bone Marrow Transplant, etc.

    Q: What are the Patients Visiting hours?

    A: You can visit Woodland Hospital , Kolkata for your multi-specialty treatment from 11 am to 4 pm.

    Q: What are the Visiting hours of OPD Patients?

    A:Usually Woodland Hospital is open 24*7 but there is a fixed time for OPD patient’s visit and that is 4 pm to 7 pm. For that time the non-admitted patients are visited for OPD, maybe the time will vary for a particular department.

    Q: How can I book an appointment?

    A:For a multi-specialty treatment you can book your appointment in Woodland Hospital, Kolkata and you can contact our expert to discuss the cost of particulars treatment. For booking your appointment in Woodland Hospital you can Call or WhatsApp or IMO on and fillup the form on your right hand with your details. You can consult with our expert doctor by online consultancy with .

    Q: What is the Admission Process?

    A:If the Doctor advises any patient for admission and the date is decided, the attendant of the patient needs to fulfill the TPA process before admission. For any emergency admission, you have to show the doctor advice.

    Q: What is the Discharge Process?

    A:At the time of discharge a patient discharge summary will be handed over to the patients or the relatives of the patients.

    Q: What are the Modes of Payment available?

    A: Patients can make payments through Cash, Debit cards, Cheques, Credit cards, and net banking.

    Q: What is the Visiting Guideline For ICU?

    A: The vising time of ICU in Woodland Hospital is 5:00 – 5:30. One person can go to see the patient in ICU within a particular time and need to wear a mask and sanitize for the safety purpose.

    Q: Does Woodland Hospital provides International patients care ?

    A:Yes. Woodland Hospital is famous for its international patient care allover the world.

    Q: Why should I choose Woodland Hospitalwhen it comes for medical treatment ?

    A: Woodland Hospital is the famous Hospital in Kolkata which is provide the world class treatment in under of one roof and dedicated to the treatment of their patients as per international standard. Our executive, doctors, nurses and other other staffs are always gives their best as possible for the patients. For more details You can contact on call or WhatsApp.

    Still Have Questions ? Call us at 033 4033 7000

    Just let us know. We will be happy to assist you

    To overcome restrictions due to Corona Virus, we are offering Paid Tele/Video Consultation from top doctors. Let us know if you are interested & we will contact you.

      Please Share Your Sex Type:MaleFemaleTransgenderSelect Departments:Share Doctor's Name if You Have Any Preference:Health Checkup or Diagnostics Requirements If any: Select Appointment Date:Select Preferred Time: